
Ace Frehley, “10,000 Volts”: Track by Track Review/Ep. 116

Did Creed's One Kill Rock ‘n Roll?/Rock-n-Roll Autopsy: Ep. 115

Did Devo's Mongoloid Kill Rock ‘n Roll?/Ep. 114

Did Iron Maiden's Bring Your Daughter…to the Slaughter Kill Rock ‘n Roll?/Ep. 113

Did Don Henley's Dirty Laundry Kill Rock ‘n Roll?/Ep. 112

Did Falco's Rock Me Amadeus Kill Rock ‘n Roll?/Ep. 111

Cat Sabbath: Ranking Tony Martin Era Black Sabbath featuring RUSH/Ep. 110

Did Rollins Band's L.A. Money Train Kill Rock ‘n Roll?/Ep. 109

Did Paula Cole's Where Have All the Cowboys Gone? Kill Rock ‘n Roll?/Ep. 108

Stiff Upper Balls featuring AC/DC/Ep. 107

The Poddys/Ep. 106